It all started from this. A wonderful story by Dawn McMillan. It won the children's choice award at the national book awards.

The French liked it as well.

A series of 10 for China...whew! 230 double page spreads plus covers!

Over one million copies sold!
Popular in the US..Bum becomes Butt.
And so it goes....

Boys from Brazil
Spanish and Catalan
Mandarin..Hey Chinese people..buy a copy!
Te Reo...That's the Maori language
Press the button for a fart noise!

In Turkish
It's now a game!
Available at all Walmart and Toys R Us

I was so lucky to get to do this.

Will Charlie ever tell the truth?
Even in Spanish?
A Kiwi Cindrella story. Jandals are what we call flipflops.

Sir Singlet would rather sew than fight.

A great project for CCPPG China
Urrgghh! Hairy ears!

And more for CCPPG.Don't forget to brush your teeth.