Howdy. This is me. Yep. I can verify that. It's me all right. I'm an illustrator as you already know having got this far. I live in New Zealand. I have lived and worked for too many years in advertising agencies around the world ( Yes it did feel like I lived in them sometimes. ) London, Sydney, Hong Kong and here at the bottom of the world.
I have illustrated heaps of children's books and won a few awards. A lot of my books are about bums/butts and farts.
You can see them on my books page. These books are especially valuable in motivating reluctant readers. Especially boys aged between 5-7 years old. Because of the lack of male teachers in primary/elementary schools plus other influences a lot of boys grow up regarding reading as a feminine activity. Books with these types of subject matter give these boys the social permission to pick them up, read and laugh with their friends.